Development of Skill Exercise on Reading Consonant Sounds to Support Reading in Thai Language to Enhance First Grande Students

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Watcharee Sangboonraung
Nirat Jantharajit


The purposes of this research were: 1) develop a set of reading skill training modules on braille for first-grade elementary students using collaborative learning management to achieve effectiveness according to the criteria of 80/80 and 2) compare the learning efficiency of students before and after learning with the braille reading skill training module using collaborative learning management for first-grade elementary students. Additionally, 3) the study investigates the satisfaction of first-grade elementary students with the braille reading skill training module using collaborative learning management. The research adopts a quasi-experimental design, with a sample group of 28 first-grade students from Ban Pak oon (Pak oon Phadungwit) School, selected through cluster random sampling. Data collection tools include 10 lesson plans, a 20-item braille reading skill test, and a 20-item satisfaction questionnaire. Statistical analysis involves percentages, averages, and standard deviations.

The results showed that 1) Support Reading Skill Thai Words Spelling of Grade 1 student was equal to 80.17 / 81.60 2) Compare the reading and spelling ability of Grade 1 students before and after studying with an innovative reading skills training kit focused on spelling rules, using cooperative learning management. After studying, the students had an average score of 17.46 out of 20 3) The students’ satisfaction towards the instructional package was found to be at a very high level


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