Developing a Program to Strengthen Achievement Motivation Competencies of Deaf School Administrators under the Special Education Bureau
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The purposes of this research were to study 1) study the current condition, Desired condition and needs in developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. 2) To design a program for developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. The research is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 is a study of the current condition, Desired condition and need for developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. The sample consisted of 290 school administrators and teachers, stratified random sampling (Stratified Random Sampling) according to school size. And Phase 2, designing a program developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. The group of informants included 5 experts, obtained through purposive sampling. The tool used to collect the data was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with confidence values for the current condition and desired condition equal to 0.91, structured interview form and program evaluation form Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and the adjusted priority index value of essential needs.
The results are as followed :
1. Current condition of developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. Overall, it is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a moderate level in every aspect. As for the desired condition Overall, it is at the highest level. Two aspects were at the highest level and two were at the highest level and needs in developing achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. Arranged from most to least: having a vision. Operational standards in terms of work improvement and development of work efficiency, respectively.
2. Program to achievement motivation competencies of deaf school administrators under the special education. The development consists of 1) principles, 2) objectives 3) content, consisting of 3.1) Module 1 having a vision 3.2) Module 2 work standards 3.3) Module 3 development of work efficiency 3.4) Module 4 Improving work 4) Form and structure 5) Development methods Using 3 development methods: 5.1) Training courses 5.2) Education by exchanging information between each other 5.3) Studying work and actual work 6) development time and 7) evaluation. The results of the evaluation of the program by experts found that it was at the highest level of suitability and feasibility.
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