The Development of Mathematics Problem Solving Skills through Learning Activities Based on the HALO Model for Grade 2nd Students
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The objectives of this research are 1) to develop learning activities based on the HALO model 2) to study mathematical problem-solving skills 3) to compare the academic achievement before and after studying of students and 4) to study student satisfaction with organizing learning activities according to the HALO Model concept. Samples used in research By the Cluster random sampling, there were 21 students in Grade 2 at Bannahuaycan School, Semester 2, academic year 2023. The tool used in the experiment was a learning management plan. Using learning activities based on the HALO Model concept. The tools used to collect data were 1) subjective mathematical problem-solving skills test, 12 questions 2) a test to measure academic achievement Multiple choice type with 20 questions and 3) Questionnaire on student satisfaction with learning activities according to the HALO Model concept. It is a 5-level scale with 14 questions. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage values average standard deviation and t-test Dependent Samples.
The research found that:
1. Results of the development of learning activities according to the HALO Model concept. To promote mathematical problem solving skills regarding multiplication problems, 12 plans consist of 5 steps (1) prepare students to enter the learning process (2) observe learning (3) organize learning activities (4) Summarize knowledge (5) Apply knowledge Overall, it is appropriate at the highest level. with an average score of 4.86 points and a standard deviation of 0.24.
2. Results of the study on the development of mathematical problem solving skills. After receiving learning activities based on the HALO Model concept About multiplication problems of Grade 2 students, compared to the criteria of 70 percent, it was found that the number of students who passed the criteria the least was 4 people, accounting for 19.05 percent, including the 1st and 4th skill measures, while the number of students who passed the criteria the most was 21 people, accounting for It is 100.00 percent, which is the 9th skill measurement and every learning unit tends to increase in the number of students passing the criteria.
3. Mathematics learning achievement of Students after receiving learning activities based on the HALO Model concept after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level
4. Results of the study of student satisfaction with organizing learning activities according to the HALO Model concept. Overall, it is at the most satisfactory level with a mean of 4.86 and a standard deviation of 0.44
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