Develping an Infographic Electronic Book about the Message Design Content for Students in Educational Technology and Computer Education. Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University

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ก่อเกียรติ ขวัญสกุล
Hemmin Thanapatmeemanee


This research aims to achieve the following objectives:  1. Develop an electronic book in infographic format focusing on message design. 2.Investigate the effectiveness and efficiency indices. 3. Assess the satisfaction levels of students regarding the developed electronic book.   The tools utilized include infographic electronic books on message design, an electronic book quality assessment questionnaire, a test form for process and learning outcome efficiency, and a satisfaction survey. Statistical analysis involves mean, standard deviation, efficiency assessment using E1/E2 (80/80), and effectiveness index using EI. The sample group comprises 26 first-year students majoring in Educational Technology and Computer Education at Mahasarakham University's Faculty of Education.

The summarized findings are as follows:

1. The development resulted in an infographic electronic book comprising 6 units of study content, each presented in infographic format and assessed to have a high average quality (gif.latex?\dot{\bar{x}}=4.46, S.D.=0.31).                                                                                             2. Efficiency test has a value equal to 81.60/82.77, with an effectiveness index of 78.70%.        

3.  Students expressed the highest satisfaction levels towards the electronic book, with an average score of 4.51 (gif.latex?\dot{\bar{x}}=4.51, S.D.=0.51).


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