Implementing Action Research in Developing Professional Practice: An Experience in Thai Schools

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Kowat Tesaputa


This study aims to: 1) examine implementations of action research in developing profes- sional practice in schools, 2) examine outcomes of professional practice in schools through action research, and 3) investigate problems of implementing action research in developing professional practice. Informants consisted of 317 Master's degree program students majoring in educational administration at Mahasarakham University, who conducted research during 2004-2006 and all of whom had professional practice as personnel of different schools. The instruments used for gathering data were an interview form and a note-taking form on the results of students' research reports. For checking the quality of data, the triangulation technique was used. The results were presented by means of a descriptive analysis. The results of the study were: (1) Implementation of action research in developing profes- sional practice was found to have three main differences: 171 Master's degree program stu- dents (53.95 percent) conducted research in developing to increase professional knowledge and abilities of their staff; 54 Master's degree program students (17.03 percent) used action research to develop school systems and school information systems; and 92 Master's degree program students (29.02 percent) used action research to improve personal characteristics of learners. (2) Results of developing professional practice of the personnel at schools was found that the Master's degree program students who used action research for developing the personnel caused the personnel in the focus group to increase knowledge, understanding, and abilities in their profession in these issues: conducting classroom research, organization of child-centered learning activities which included project learning activities and integrated learning activities; efficient school systems and school information systems were obtained; there occurred changes in learners' characteristics in different better aspects. (3) Problems of implementing action research in developing professional practice at schools was found that there were limited participation and collaboration in solving problems; decision-making still depended on the researcher, not coming from participants opinion; problem analyses lacked clarity, and planning for developing or solving problems was not concrete which could lead to practice.

        In conclusion, implementing action research in developing professional practice at schools could generate changes in the schools where the Master's degree program students conduct- ing action research generated changes in professional practice, situations in professional practice, and learning together of the group of participants. However, the issues that should be urgently improved were: involved person's participation in planning which had to be clear, and cooperatively practice following the plan to originate learning together in continuity.


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