The Personal Characteristics and Satisfaction of Chinese Tourists: Evident of Chinatown in Bangkok

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Nannan Li
Thanaphon Saranburana
Manop Saengchamnong


This research aimed to (1) study the satisfaction of the Chinese tourists and (2) compare the satisfaction level towards Chinatown in Bangkok based on personal characteristics of Chinese tourists. The study used a quantitative approach, asking 400 samples that were selected by convenient sampling. The information was then analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, T-Test, and One-way ANOVA (F-test). The study found that the overall and by-category satisfaction of the Chinese tourists were high, with overall average score being 3.78, the average score of food and drink restaurants being 3.90, the average score of amenities was 3.85, the average score of security was 3.76, and the averages score of service was 3.62. Comparison of the demographic data revealed that gender difference affected the satisfaction level towards Chinatown in Bangkok, but only regarding tourism and security. There was no conclusive data for confirmation of other hypotheses with a statistical significance of 0.05.


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How to Cite
Li, N., Saranburana, T., & Saengchamnong, M. (2024). The Personal Characteristics and Satisfaction of Chinese Tourists: Evident of Chinatown in Bangkok. Rajapark International Journal, 1(1), 100–111. retrieved from
Research Article


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