Factors Influencing Consumer Purchasing Intention Towards Real Estate for Elders’ Wellness and Health in Guangdong Province

Main Article Content

Fengyan He
Nutteera Phakdeephirot
Songyu Jiang


The aim of this study is to validate the influence of subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, trust, and attitude on the intention to purchase real estate for elders’ wellness and health ("REWH"), with the goal of providing decision-making recommendations for government departments, "REWH" enterprises, financial institutions, and consumers, and promoting the healthy development of the "REWH" market.

This study employed a quantitative research method, targeting the elderly population in Guangzhou and Foshan. Through a carefully designed questionnaire survey, we successfully collected a large amount of valuable data. A total of 429 questionnaires were issued during the survey. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the research results, we have carried out strict screening and processing of the collected data. After eliminating invalid questionnaires, we randomly selected 360 valid questionnaires for in-depth analysis and processing. In the analysis process, we used a variety of statistical methods, including descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis, structural equation modeling, and path analysis.

The research findings indicate that subjective norms have a significantly positive impact on purchasing attitude and intention; perceived behavioral control has a significantly positive impact on purchasing attitude and intention; trust has a significantly positive impact on purchasing attitude and intention; and purchasing attitude has a significantly positive impact on purchase intention.

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How to Cite
He, F., Phakdeephirot, N., & Jiang, S. (2024). Factors Influencing Consumer Purchasing Intention Towards Real Estate for Elders’ Wellness and Health in Guangdong Province. Rajapark International Journal, 1(1), 59–70. retrieved from https://so20.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPIJ/article/view/55
Academic Article


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