Understanding the Integrated Industrial Development in Rural Districts: A Qualitative Insight in China

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Xing You
Xingqi Zhao


The integrated development of rural industries is an important starting point for deepening agricultural supply-side structural reform and promoting revitalizing rural industries. It is also an effective way to promote the sustained increase of farmers' income and win the overall construction of a moderately prosperous society. The integrated development of rural industries is a hot topic in rural economics, development economics, and other related disciplines. From the theoretical and empirical aspects, the existing research is summarized, and the following issues are discussed: the definition of rural industrial integration development, the measurement of development level, the research of integration mechanism, the integration development effect, the development path, promotion mechanism, and future development direction. In the future, we should focus on improving the evaluation dimension of rural industrial integration, enrich quantitative measurement research, empirically analyze its influencing factors, and test its economic or environmental effects.

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How to Cite
You, X., & Zhao, X. (2024). Understanding the Integrated Industrial Development in Rural Districts: A Qualitative Insight in China. Rajapark International Journal, 1(2), 111–120. retrieved from https://so20.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJPIJ/article/view/54
Academic Article


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