Exploring the Characteristics of “New Middle Class” Social Media Consumption in the Development of New Consumption in China: A Case Study of TikTok Social Media
Main Article Content
This research aimed to study the influence of the digital economy and lenient financial policies on the growth of the Chinese new middle class, the impact of new consumption pressures and the deepening usage of social me dia on the consumption intentions of this group, and the factors influencing the consumption decisions of the Chinese new middle class on the "TikTok" social media platform. In this study, 21 subjects were selected, all of whom exemplified the characteristics of China's emerging middle class. The selection was conducted using purposive sampling.
The instrument for collecting data was semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found as follows: The platform's consumption environment significantly influences the consumption decisions of the new middle class; mutual perceptions among users play a key role in shaping their attitudes towards consumption on social media platforms; platform management systems and individual differences are also critical factors affecting their consumption behavior.
Article Details
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