Using Chatbots to Promote the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language: Dilemmas and Opportunities for Student Learning

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Songyu Jiang
Qiaoyu Zhai
Xiaoyu Yi
Jiangyun Chen


This study delves into the role of chatbots in promoting the effectiveness, dilemmas, and student learning opportunities in teaching Chinese as a second language. The use of chatbots in simulating honest conversations, providing personalized learning support, and the teaching and learning process were analyzed. The study used an in-depth analysis of the practical application of chatbots in language learning environments and a literature analysis approach. It was found that chatbots provided students with a low-risk language practice environment, effectively improved language fluency and complexity, and helped build students' self-confidence. Regarding personalized learning support, chatbots demonstrate the potential to diagnose learners' weaknesses and provide targeted practice. However, the extent to which this can be achieved is constrained by algorithmic complexity and the quality of input data. Chatbots are considered a valuable tool for teachers to manage lessons and students in instructional Support. Chatbots have technical and practical challenges in teaching Chinese as a second language. However, through continuous research and improvement, the use of chatbots in second language learning will become more pervasive and efficient, and further research on its long-term impact and broader application scenarios is encouraged to realize its maximum potential as a teaching aid.

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How to Cite
Jiang, S., Zhai, Q., Yi, X., & Chen, J. (2024). Using Chatbots to Promote the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language: Dilemmas and Opportunities for Student Learning. Rajapark International Journal, 1(3), 15–29. retrieved from
Research Article


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