Revitalizing Heritage Language through Natural Language Processing: Innovations and Challenges

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Hao Li
Mao Ran


This paper explores the innovative application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the context of heritage language education, addressing both the potential benefits and challenges encountered. With the advancement of technology, NLP has found significant use in various domains including linguistics, healthcare, and education. This research delves into how NLP tools and techniques can be utilized to enhance the learning and teaching of heritage languages, a crucial aspect often overlooked in mainstream language education. It assesses the practical value and effectiveness of NLP in facilitating language acquisition, preserving cultural identity, and addressing the unique challenges faced by heritage language learners. The study also highlights the limitations and ethical considerations of implementing NLP in this domain. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and case studies, this paper aims to provide insights into the role of NLP in revitalizing heritage languages, thereby contributing to the broader field of linguistics and language education.

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How to Cite
Li, H., & Ran, M. (2024). Revitalizing Heritage Language through Natural Language Processing: Innovations and Challenges. Rajapark International Journal, 1(1), 82–91. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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