Research on Cultural Tourism Development of Yaoba Ancient Town Under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization

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Chang Huili
Lei Wanli


Yaoba ancient town, located at the junction of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Chongqing, has a long, unique, and rich traditional culture. The paper mainly adopts qualitative and quantitative analysis, theory, and demonstration analysis to study the development of cultural tourism with the opportunity to implement a rural revitalization strategy. Based on a brief elaboration of the relationship between rural revitalization strategy and cultural tourism, this paper briefly summarizes the current situation of the development of cultural tourism in Yaoba's ancient town. It discusses the existing problems in its development. Finally, according to the existing issues, Development measures are proposed from the perspectives of image positioning, product development, resource protection, facility construction, residents’ participation, etc.

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How to Cite
Huili, C., & Wanli, L. (2024). Research on Cultural Tourism Development of Yaoba Ancient Town Under the Strategy of Rural Revitalization. Rajapark International Journal, 1(2), 102–110. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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