Digitalization of Higher Education in Rural Maharashtra State of India

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Rajesh S. Shinde


“True education must correspond to the surrounding circumstances or it is not a healthy growth”. Mahatma Gandhi. (Sevagram Ashram, 2023) Education is widely accepted as a fundamental resource, both for individuals and society. Education leads to the development of the country in many ways. The real reason behind education is to change the mindset of the citizens and become an effective pillar of the country. Therefore, education has been considered as a significant tool for the upliftment of the people in many developing countries. India has a strong history of education. The significance of education was well recognized in India. Takshashila University is the most famous and the world’s first university. Nalanda University was built in the 4th century BC. The oldest of the Upanishads date from around 500 BC. These texts encouraged an exploratory learning process where teachers and students were co-travelers in a search for truth. The teaching pedagogy adopted was based on reasoning and questioning. The present research work is a modest attempt to highlight the changing scenario in imparting quality higher education in the country in general and Marathwada province in particular.

This study is done with an outlook to highlight the problems and prospects of Digitalization of Higher Education in Rural Maharashtra State of India. The study is of the Higher Education Institutes (HEI’S) wherein the main stakeholders such as students and faculties are the respondents.

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How to Cite
Shinde, R. S. (2024). Digitalization of Higher Education in Rural Maharashtra State of India. Rajapark International Journal, 1(1), 1–8. retrieved from
Research Article


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