Chinese Students’ Perceived Difficulty Levels when Listening to Non-Native and Native English Speakers


  • Alan White Rajamangala University of Technology Krugthep


English language, accents, perceived difficulty


This study examines the effects of non-native practitioners’ accent on non native participants’ listening comprehension. The participants were 26 Chinese post-graduate students studying in international programs related to education and business. Students completed listening tests (30 items at 5 per accent) for both native (Australian and New Zealand) and non-native (Singaporean, Japanese, Bangladeshi and Indian) accents. They were then required to grade them out of 5 for perceived difficulty (5=very easy; 1=very difficult). The results showed highest test scores for the Australian accent (mean=4.65 out of 5) and lowest test scores for the Indian accent (mean=3.08 out of 5). The Singaporean accent was perceived to be the easiest (mean=3.85) and the Bangladeshi and Indian accents were both perceived to be the most difficult (mean=1.88). There was no correlation for the perceived difficulty levels and test scores. The results of this study suggest a need for students to listen to and be aware of accents that they are likely to encounter on a regular basis.


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How to Cite

White, A. (2025). Chinese Students’ Perceived Difficulty Levels when Listening to Non-Native and Native English Speakers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Business Research, 1(1), 63–70. retrieved from